Sunday, June 17, 2012

Entry #4: Billy Pilgrim: a Melodramatic Marty McFly

Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.
Billy was once stuck in time, in the sense that everything that happened to him was a linear series of events that would occur from the moment of his birth until the moment he dies. Billy was unstuck in time when the Tralfamadorians showed him that from a subjunctive viewpoint, the could see into the fourth dimension, time. With this information, Billy was transported to and from different events in his time line. The Tralfamadorians can "...see how permanent all the moments are...It is just an illusion we have on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever."
Does this means that these extraterrestrials are capable? And if so, how could the still be so benevolent? And why has time not been ripped apart by paradoxes due to their time travel?

If Marty McFly can cause whole people to disappear just by running into his mother in the 1950's, one would think that throwing Billy Pilgrim around randomly into different points in his time line would cause some sort of disruption.

"All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed and always will exist."
Billy Pilgrim is unstuck in time. Perhaps this is why the narrator in chapter one was so concerned about time passing too quickly.

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